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The 200 guests at Rachel Mumford’s backyard wedding in Malibu, Calif., were suddenly on their feet, clapping, giving her an unexpected ovation. Forty-eight hours earlier, she probably wouldn’t have felt as calm or confident.

The handwritten pages of vows she had in her relaxed grip were now a “structured, organized, funny, intimate and condensed version of our love story,” said Ms. Mumford, 53, who married Brandon Coxton at their home on July 3, 2022. “I wanted my vows to be real, personal and intimate.”

She managed to check off all three boxes after hiring Brian Franklin, a founder of Vows & Speeches, a writing service for wedding participants that he started with his wife, Nicole Franklin, in 2021.

The new york times:
Overwhelmed with writing your vows? A professional wordsmith could help.

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